
Recepción de originales nº 46


Número 46

Próxima apertura de recepción de propuestas:

Investigación: Del 15 de junio al 15 de julio

Monográfico: Del 15 de julio al 15 de agosto

Tema del monográfico:

 "La formación de profesionales en la intervención socioeducativa preventiva con familias basada en la evidencia"

Antes de enviar el manuscrito, los autores deben revisar las normas de publicación de Pedagogía Social. Revista Interuniversitaria.

Muchas gracias a las autoras y los autores por su interés en publicar en nuestra revista.

Read more about Recepción de originales nº 46

Current Issue

No. 45 (2024): Intimate partner violence and gender violence. Intervention from social pedagogy
Portada número 45

The aim of this monograph is to analyse, from different perspectives and with different objects, the complex problem of violence in relationships. Although in the majority of cases, violence is exercised by men against women, the phenomenon is broader and more comprehensive, and in order to be able to tackle it in its entirety and offer effective responses, it is necessary to have an in-depth knowledge of it in all its dimensions. For this reason, unbiased, serious and rigorous studies are needed to analyse this phenomenon in its entirety and to serve as a basis for the design of policies, programmes and projects for socio-educational action that have an effective impact on the resolution of this social scourge.

Published: 2024-07-17



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