Effects of physical activity on grade repetition among adolescents in Granada
Sports, Physical activity, Academic performance, TeenagersAbstract
Decades ago, body and mind were perceived independently, but nowadays they are perceived as a whole, as it has been demonstrated that physical exercise has consequences at a cognitive level. For this reason, the aim of this research is to find out the relationship between doing or not doing physical exercise and the repetition of one or more courses in adolescents. For this purpose, a sample of 706 adolescents from secondary schools in the province of Granada was used. They were given the PAQ-A questionnaire, as well as an ad hoc questionnaire, and the results were subsequently analysed using the SPSS statistical programme. It was concluded that, although sport is an important variable, it is not a determining factor when it comes to adolescents repeating a year.
Key words: Sports; Physical activity; Academic performance; Teenagers.
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