Lifestyle of Chilean teachers - postgraduate students in the COVID-19 pandemic
Life Style, postgraduate students, Covid-19Abstract
Teachers who work in educational establishments either as classroom teachers or in management positions and who are also studying for a postgraduate degree must make an additional effort to perform in all roles; This, added to the changes required as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Chile, I urge you to deploy adaptation strategies to this new scenario; Therefore, this article aims to characterize the lifestyle of professors who take a Postgraduate course in universities in central and southern Chile, during the COVID-19 pandemic period. The survey was used as a research technique through the FANTASTIC questionnaire. The study population was 69 professors, who during the year 2021 were studying a Postgraduate degree at Chilean universities, in the Ñuble, Bio-Bio, O'Higgins, La Araucanía, Los Ríos and Los Lagos regions. The main findings indicate that according to the score obtained in the FANTASTIC questionnaire, the percentage distribution that characterizes the lifestyle of the study subjects is over 50%, for indicators associated with a lifestyle considered adequate. 40.6% "Good job, you are on the right track" and 15.9% "Adequate, you are fine", however, it was found that 34.8% obtain "Somewhat low, you could improve" evidencing that the group studied, in the period of the COVID-19 pandemic, maintains a lifestyle that is within acceptable ranges.
Key words: Life Style- COVID-19- postgraduate students-
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