Self-efficacy of physical education teachers: how does it contribute to achieving the overarching objectives of national sport?
Self-efficacy, Physical Education, Teachers, National Sport Grand DesignAbstract
Self-efficacy is the conviction that one can perform the tasks required to accomplish specific goals. Teachers' self-efficacy is crucial in the physical education environment to promote active engagement in achieving the objectives of the Great Design of National Sport (DBON). This study aims to examine physical education teachers' self-efficacy and how it affects their participation in DBON implementation. The research method used was a descriptive survey with a quantitative approach. The research sample consisted of 40 physical education teachers in Cilacap district at the elementary school level selected by random sampling. Data were collected through questionnaires measuring the level of self-efficacy and teachers' participation in DBON programs. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical techniques. This study revealed that the average self-efficacy of sports teachers in contributing to achieving the goals of the National Sports Grand Design (DBON) related to increasing sports culture in the community was 90.78%. In addition, the average self-efficacy of sports teachers in terms of capacity, synergy, and productivity of national achievement sports is 88.12%. The average self-efficacy of sports teachers related to improving the sports-based economy is 87.08%. These results indicate that the level of self-efficacy of physical education teachers is in the moderate to high category. There is a significant positive correlation between teachers' self-efficacy and their level of participation in DBON activities, where teachers with high self-efficacy are more likely to be actively involved in sports development programs in schools and communities. The conclusion of this study is that increasing physical education teachers' self-efficacy can significantly contribute to the successful implementation of the National Sport Grand Design. Recommendations include training and workshops to improve teachers' self-efficacy as well as support from the school and government to facilitate teachers' active participation in DBON programs.
Keywords: Self-efficacy, Physical Education, Teachers, National Sport Grand Design
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