Analysis of the student-adult interaction during recess in the basic school of the first cycle in Portugal
Educación básica, Juego, Patio de juego, Recreo, Relaciones personales, Basic education, Game, Playground, Playtime, Personal relationshipsAbstract
The school stage plays a fundamental role in the integral development of the child, where social relationships that are acquired through practice and contact with other people are maturing and will have a direct transfer in their daily lives. With this study we sought to analyze the interaction of the relations between the students and adults (official/teacher) during the recess period in the first cycle of elementary schools in the city of Braga (Portugal). In a qualitative-quantitative mixed study with a transversal and descriptive approach, in which 317 students (167 boys and 150 girls) participate and used a questionnaire as the main tool for obtaining data, a low interaction of the students with the adult in the recess was observed. And then, it appears for reasons of security, vigilante and protection of the students, with little involvement in their games and activities, a fact that should be improved if we want to offer a quality recess time to the students.
Keywords: Basic education, game, playground, playtime, personal relationships.
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