University students' perception of the application of a cooperative methodology in the initial training of Physical Education teachers: a qualitative study




Cooperative Learning, Higher Education, Methodological Strategies, Social Competencies, Teamwork


Introduction: Cooperative learning (CL) is an active methodology that aims to develop teamwork skills and encourage student involvement in their learning.

Objective: To know student’s perception of implementing methodological strategies that favor CL in higher education.

Methodology: An Educational Innovation Project was carried out with students enrolled in physical education subjects of Primary Education and early childhood education degrees from the Rey Juan Carlos University. The research design was qualitative, consisting of semi-structured interviews and discussion groups whose transcripts were analyzed using the MAXQDA software.

Results and discussion: Among the difficulties perceived in work teams, the problems with time management, consensual decision making and the different levels of involvement among its members stand out. Among the perceived facilitators, the possibility of peer learning and the possibility of specialization stand out.

Conclusions: Despite the perceived difficulties, working cooperatively seems to favor the development of social skills in future teachers.


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How to Cite

Solera-Alfonso, A., Delfa-de-la-Morena, J. M., Marconnot, R., Mijarra-Murillo, J.-J., García-González, M., Romero-Parra, N., & Bores-García, D. (2025). University students’ perception of the application of a cooperative methodology in the initial training of Physical Education teachers: a qualitative study. Retos, 63, 306–316.



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