Assessment of musculoskeletal pain in students of different styles of Dance Conservatories
dancing, pain, health education, medicine in the arts, primary prevention, musculoskeletal injuryAbstract
Musculoskeletal pain is considered normal in dance due to its high prevalence regardless of the level and style of dance. The aim of the study was to analyse musculoskeletal pain in students of Dance Conservatories in Andalusia, Spain, comparing the prevalence, location and intensity of musculoskeletal pain for each of the styles studied in these educational centres: ballet, contemporary dance, spanish dance and flamenco. We used a quantitative methodology and a cross-sectional, non-experimental and correlational design. The Self-Estimated Functional Inability Because Of Pain (SEFIP) questionnaire was used in 451 students of Professional and Higher Education in Dance. In addition, sociodemographic and dance- and injury-related data were collected. The results showed a high prevalence of musculoskeletal pain (75.6 %) in dancers, especially in the back, knee and ankle. The highest pain scores occurred in the lower limb. Differences were found in the intensity and location of pain by speciality, being higher in the back for flamenco students (p=.01), in the ankle for ballet and contemporary students (p=.01) and in the toes for ballet students (p<.001). Dance Conservatory students in Andalusia experience musculoskeletal pain frequently due to the practice of dance which differs according to the specific requirements of each style and highlights the importance of injury prevention in this population.
Key words: dancing, pain, health education, medicine in the arts, primary prevention, musculoskeletal injury.
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