Relationship of learning to learn competence, lifestyles and physical fitness in Colombian university sports students: An exploratory study




aprendizaje, evaluación, proceso cognitivo, formación profesional


The aim of this study was to determine the relationships between learning to learn competence, lifestyles and physical fitness in a sample of Colombian university students. The study had a quantitative approach and a cross-sectional observational-analytical design. Twenty-three first-semester undergraduate sports students with an average age of 20.48±3.07 years participated in the study. To evaluate the learning to learn competence, the CECAPEU questionnaire was used, lifestyles were measured through the CEVJU-R2 questionnaire and for physical condition, the following tests were evaluated through the My Jump Lab application: SJ, CMJ, CMJB, hamstring strength, asymmetries, change of direction 5-0-5, speed 5, 10 and 15 meters and Illionis, as well as other tests such as Sit and Reach, balance test and Course Navette. The multiple factorial analysis methodology was used, using an inertia analysis to define the number of components to work on. To evaluate the relationship between groups of variables, as well as between variables and the categories within them. The software used was the program ® version 4.1.0. The results indicate that there are several profiles that reveal the need to understand that the student whose object of study is sport, faces a series of needs associated with their lifestyle and physical condition, which influences their competence to learn to learn. The study made it possible to recognize that there are five profiles of first-year students of the Bachelor's Degree in Sport at the National Pedagogical University. This can help to improve the intervention and follow-up programs for students in the course, seeking to recognize that their learning is diverse and needs, in equal measure, a variability in the teaching approaches and, at the same time, spaces that favor a lifestyle focused on improving their physical condition.

Keywords: learning; evaluation; cognitive process; affectivity and feeling; vocational training

Author Biographies

Boryi Alexander Becerra Patiño, Docente Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

Bachelor in Sport

Master's Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Coaching

Soccer Coach - Colombian Soccer Federation License A

Physical Trainer for women's soccer regional selections.

University Professor, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional - Bachelor's Degree in Sport

Carmen Janeth Reina, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

Docente Facultad de Educación Física, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

Carlos Felipe Martínez-Benitez, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

Licenciado en Deporte. Facultad de Educación Física. Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

Juan David Paucar Uribe, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

Licenciado en Deporte. Facultad de Educación Física. Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

Valeria Montilla Valderrama, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

Licenciada en Deporte. Facultad de Educación Física. Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

Stefania Cárdenas-Contreras, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

Licenciada en Deporte. Facultad de Educación Física. Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

Michael Andrés Castro Malaver, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

Licenciado en Deporte. Facultad de Educación Física. Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

Jeimy Juliana Varón Murcia, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

Licenciada en Deporte. Facultad de Educación Física. Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

Juan Diego Ávila Martínez, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

Licenciado en Deporte. Facultad de Educación Física. Universidad Pedagógica Nacional


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How to Cite

Becerra Patiño, B. A., Reina, C. J., Martínez-Benitez, C. F., Paucar Uribe, J. D., Montilla Valderrama, V., Cárdenas-Contreras, S., Castro Malaver, M. A., Varón Murcia, J. J., & Ávila Martínez, J. D. (2024). Relationship of learning to learn competence, lifestyles and physical fitness in Colombian university sports students: An exploratory study. Retos, 51, 58–68.



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