Diagnosis of socio-educational needs in the face of the covid-19 pandemic: family situation in the state of Aguascalientes (Mexico)





Family situation, Need for education, Diagnosis, Social Policy, COVID-19


The general purpose of this study is to identify and diagnose the family situation, the main socio-educational needs and government services of support and advice required by the families of the State of Aguascalientes (Mexico), in order to guide the process of analysis and redesign of public policies in family matters, by the Strategic Consultative Body (OCE)
of the State Government. For this, a study with a non-experimental design, of a transactional type and with an exploratory and descriptive scope, was carried out, in which a sample of
2,488 families answered an instrument designed to measure sociodemographic indicators,
social cohesion and socio-educational needs in a context where the confinement promoted by the state and federal governments respectively due to the contingency of COVID-19 was just beginning. The analysis of the results showed an adequate level of reliability in the items analyzed for the purposes of this study. Likewise, it was revealed that in the State the priority
socio-educational needs are those related to substance addictions, depression and sadness, psychological or verbal aggression, physical aggression and other addictions (social networks, video games, gambling, pornography, among others). Regarding the government services with the highest demand, family psychological care, learning assertive communication processes with children, as well as care and prevention of domestic violence were identified. The previous results are relevant for the fact of reflecting a diagnosis of the family situation in a context affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as for the contribution they imply for the process
of analysis and redefinition of state public policies on family matters as a result of the work of the OCE and the State Government.


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Author Biographies

Javier Fernández-de-Castro , Universidad Panamericana

Secretario de Investigación de la Escuela de Pedagogía y Psicología de la Universidad Panamericana
campus Aguascalientes. Su producción científica se orienta a dos líneas de investigación:
Actores, procesos e instituciones educativas, y Neuropsicología y Aprendizaje. Doctor en Educación:
Medida y Evaluación de la Intervención Educativa por la Universidad Anáhuac campus México
Norte. Maestro en Gestión y Dirección de Centros Educativos, Especialista en Antropología
Filosófica y Licenciado en Pedagogía por la Universidad Panamericana campus Aguascalientes.
Cuenta con estudios de Especialidad en Métodos Estadísticos por el Centro de Investigación en
Matemáticas (CIMAT, sede Aguascalientes).

Leticia Nayeli Ramírez-Ramírez , Universidad Panamericana

Doctora en Psicología Educativa por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM, Ciudad
de México). Especialidad en Antropología Filosófica por la Universidad Panamericana. Licenciatura
en Psicología por la U.N.A.M. Profesora de Tiempo Completo en la Universidad Pedagógica
Nacional, campus Ajusco (Ciudad de México). Reconocimiento en el Sistema Nacional de
Investigadores (SNI, México) nivel 1. Líneas de investigación: Formación profesional e innovación


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