Active aging scale
Active ageing; Assessment; Life quality; Social interventionAbstract
One of the key factors associated with the Second Demographic Transition is the increase of both old age and life expectancy in developed societies (Zaidi & Morgan, 2017)). Likewise, the former conception of old age used to be referred to dependent people, who were either alone or taking care of their grandchildren, whereas they are now perceived as active people, both personally and socially. Active ageing is the process by which health, social participation and security are optimized in order to improve quality of life in older people (WHO, 2002). The main objective in active ageing is increasing life expectancy, having better health and quality of life.
In this research the objective is to test the reliability of a scale to assess active ageing. 300 subjects have partaken, all of them taking part in special courses for older than 55 at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. 73,3% were women and 25% men, average age 70 years (ranged between 55-87 years). 49% are university graduates. 37,7% live alone and 37,3% live with their partner. This scale consists of 23 items, consisting of 5 Likert-type alternatives, made ad-hoc and personally administered. Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis show 4 factors with a good link index (CMIN=1.47; RMESA =.04; CFI=.976; TLI =.964). These factors are: Affective support and personal and emotional well-being; Health care and autonomy; Economic safety and Prosocial attitude. Total reliabilty of the scale is .91, and each factor oscilates between .82 and .64. To summarize, this scale will help determine which factors condition active ageing and can help create an intervention plan that will be able to improve well-being and life quality in old people, as well as to promote their social integration.
In this research the objective is to test the reliability of a scale to assess active ageing. 300 subjects have partaken, all of them taking part in special courses for older than 55 at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. 73,3% were women and 25% men, average age 70 years (ranged between 55-87 years). 49% are university graduates. 37,7% live alone and 37,3% live with their partner. This scale consists of 23 items, consisting of 5 Likert-type alternatives, made ad-hoc and personally administered. Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis show 4 factors with a good link index (CMIN=1.47; RMESA =.04; CFI=.976; TLI =.964). These factors are: Affective support and personal and emotional well-being; Health care and autonomy; Economic safety and Prosocial attitude. Total reliabilty of the scale is .91, and each factor oscilates between .82 and .64. To summarize, this scale will help determine which factors condition active ageing and can help create an intervention plan that will be able to improve well-being and life quality in old people.
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