Childhood and Human Rights in Zamora city
childhood, adolescence, participation, city, policiesAbstract
Current cities are offering spaces of citizenship answering to social transforma-tions and new realities; turning territories into sociopersonal development universes. In this context, children and adolescents are interacting, leading to know what are urban develop¬ments located in this healthy, intelligent and sustainable cities paradigm. The main objective of this study has been to analyse parental, professional and technical figures opinions who work with children and adolescents in Zamora city, related to childhood and adolescence’s municipalities’ policies. It’s used an exploratory and descriptive research, be means of a qual-itative approach generating 3 focus group discussion which children and adolescents. The narratives show that children and adolescent’s rights in this city are not always a priority, al¬though participants reveal there should be a special concern for those children in vulnerable circumstances. These results will allow adapting municipal programs and spaces, and contrib¬ute to children autonomy and empowerment, by means of coordinated political processes and the children’s participation.Current cities are offering spaces of citizenship answering to social transformations and new realities; turning territories into sociopersonal development universes. In this context, children and adolescents are interacting, leading to know what are urban developments located in this healthy, intelligent and sustainable cities paradigm. The main objective of this study has been to analyse parental, professional and technical figures opinions who work with children and adolescents in Zamora city, related to childhood and adolescence’s municipalities’ policies. It’s used an exploratory and descriptive research, be means of a qualitative approach generating 3 focus group discussion which children and adolescents. The narratives show that children and adolescent’s rights in this city are not always a priority, although participants reveal there should be a special concern for those children in vulnerable circumstances. These results will allow adapting municipal programs and spaces, and contribute to children autonomy and empowerment, by means of coordinated political processes and the children’s participation.
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