The teaching work of female physical education teachers during context of the COVID19 pandemic. Case study in an educational center
School education; Female teacher; Distance educationAbstract
The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the challenges faced by women who work as teachers, mothers, and housewives: (1) Background: This research aimed to understand the teaching experiences of female physical education teachers in a private school in the commune of Viña del Mar, Chile, during the pandemic.; (2) Methods: A qualitative approach with a phenomenological design was used with eight intentional informants, and data was collected through semi-structured interviews.; (3) Results: Results showed that participants had to adapt their practices, prioritizing motor skills and physical condition contents and implementing new strategies with digital platforms. The role of women and mothers was a challenge for professional teaching work and e-learning was seen as a situation of constant learning; (4) Conclusions: Women teachers also had to fulfill multiple tasks associated with their gender while innovating, training, and organizing themselves to survive in their professional work.
Keywords: School education; Female teacher; Distance education
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