Rubric for evaluating the educational capacity of physical activity and sports in the school-age population at non-formal entities


  • Sara Figueras Comas
  • Marc Franco-Sola
  • Juanjo Rodríguez Yañez



Sport at the school-age; Educational sport; Educational quality indicators for sport at the school age; Rubric; Sport practice assessment.


This article is part of the knowledge transfer project promoted by the Gerència de Serveis d’Esports de la Diputació de Barcelona (ref. 2020/001556). The purpose of this project was to develop an evaluation rubric to identify the educational capacity of the physical activity and sports practiced by the school-age population in non-formal educational sports entities in the province of Barcelona. To this end, a documentary analysis of educational sport and a fieldwork were carried out through three focus groups with the different agents involved in the activities. From the qualitative analysis and the triangulation of the data, the dimensions and indicators of the rubric were extracted, which were graduated in four performance levels. Subsequently, the validation of the evaluation instrument was carried out by experts. The resulting version was piloted in five sports entities in different communities in the province of Barcelona.


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How to Cite

Figueras Comas, S., Franco-Sola , M., & Rodríguez Yañez , J. . (2022). Rubric for evaluating the educational capacity of physical activity and sports in the school-age population at non-formal entities. Retos, 46, 292–300.



Original Research Article