Effects of school-based physical exercise programs to improve enjoyment of physical activity, motor development, and physical fitness in children and adolescents with developmental coordination disorder: A systematic review





trastorno del desarrollo; actividad física; programa; escuela.


Objective: The aim of this systematic review is to assess the effectiveness of school-based physical exercise program interventions to promote the enjoyment of physical activity, motor development and physical fitness in children and adolescents with developmental coordination disorder. Methodology: A systematic review was conducted according to PRISMA guidelines, using the PICOS model for eligibility criteria, participants had to be children and adolescents with developmental coordination disorder belonging to an educational center, physical activity and/or sports interventions had to be performed in the school setting, results had to show satisfaction with the physical activity and/or program, physical fitness or motor performance. Experimental pre- and post-test studies were included in the review. Results: A total of 7 articles were included, with a total of 184 participants. Different types of interventions were identified based on strength training, multi-component training and video game-based training with the Nintendo Wii (aerobics and yoga). The results showed to be effective for perceived enjoyment and satisfaction to physical activity, motor development and physical fitness of the participants. Conclusions: Intervention programs based in the school environment can increase enjoyment, motor skills and physical fitness in children with developmental coordination disorder.

Keywords: Childhood; Schoolchildren; Neurodevelopmental disorders; Motor skills.


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How to Cite

Lermanda, C. R., Martínez, N. L., Villarroel, F. H., Tapia, C. G., & Gómez-Álvarez, N. (2023). Effects of school-based physical exercise programs to improve enjoyment of physical activity, motor development, and physical fitness in children and adolescents with developmental coordination disorder: A systematic review. Retos, 47, 302–310. https://doi.org/10.47197/retos.v47.92305



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