Use of green areas for physical activity: descriptive analysis in Chilean schoolchildren during the COVID -19 pandemic


  • Manuel Bello Leal Universidad Autónoma de Chile (Chile)
  • Carlos Flores Martínez Universidad Autónoma de Chile (Chile)
  • Noemi Salvador Soler Universidad Autónoma de Chile
  • Frano Giakoni Ramírez Universidad Autónoma de Chile (Chile)



Physical activity, sedentary lifestyle,, free time, green areas, leisure time, family support.


The vegetation of urban centres can provide abundant benefits in the environment and society. In this way, green areas can offer opportunities for the regular practice of physical activity, providing benefits for physical and mental health in the life of the population. Aim: to determine the practice of physical activity and the reasons for non-practice in children aged between 5 to 17 years in green areas of Temuco, Chile. Methods: quantitative approach, cross-sectional and with a non-experimental design and descriptive scope. Instruments: A questionnaire to measure the practice of physical activity in green areas and the reasons for non-practice was applied. Results: Although most of children have green areas near their homes, most of them do not use these areas for physical activities, with the group of girls highlighting in this respect. Regarding the type of activities mainly carried out in green areas were those of recreational nature such as playing, walking and cycling. Conclusion: Spaces for physical activity exist, but children require interest, motivation and mainly family support to practice physical activity in green areas, as well as a greater supply of sports and/or recreational programs related to the practice of physical activity in green areas.

Author Biographies

Manuel Bello Leal , Universidad Autónoma de Chile (Chile)

Universidad Autónoma de Chile (Chile)

Carlos Flores Martínez , Universidad Autónoma de Chile (Chile)

Universidad Autónoma de Chile (Chile)

Noemi Salvador Soler , Universidad Autónoma de Chile

La autora principal es licenciada en Biología, con magíster en Ciencias Experimentales y Dra. por la Universidad de Barcelona dentro del programa Medicamentos, Alimentación y Salud. Actualmente es docente investigadora de la Carrera de Pedagogía en Educación Física, junto con los otros dos autores del trabajo quienes también se desempeñan en la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad Autónoma de Chile. El Dr. José Gastón Bruneau Chávez es Doctor en Educación Física y Deporte, Director de la Carrera de Pedagogía en Educación Física y Vicedecano de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad Autónoma de Chile.

Frano Giakoni Ramírez , Universidad Autónoma de Chile (Chile)

 Universidad Autónoma de Chile (Chile)



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How to Cite

Bello Leal, M., Flores Martínez, C., Salvador Soler, N., & Giakoni Ramírez, F. (2022). Use of green areas for physical activity: descriptive analysis in Chilean schoolchildren during the COVID -19 pandemic. Retos, 44, 276–284.



Original Research Article