Impact of physical activity on emotional intelligence and sex differences


  • Samuel Galdón López Universidad de Granada
  • Félix Zurita Ortega
  • Jose Luis Ubago Jiménez
  • Gabriel González Valero



Emotional intelligence; physical activity; sport; schoolchildren; physical education.


Emotional elements have been the focus of attention in recent years in the context where sport practice is common. Therefore, physical activity has a close relationship with emotional expression and effect on sports performance, as well as sexual differences. Due to this fact, the main purpose of the present research is to describe the level of physical activity, emotional intelligence and sex differences in school children from primary education. A sample of 281 students aged between 10 and 12 years old in the city of Granada was studied.  The instruments used are TMMS-24, based on Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS) and an ad-hoc questionnaire to collect socio-demographic variables. The results indicate a higher level of physical activity, with most boys having better control of their emotions in the three dimensions, highlighting their ability to repair themselves, as well as their emotional clarity, with girls showing a slightly higher level. In addition, there are significant differences in the relationship between sex-sports and sex-dimensions of emotional intelligence.


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How to Cite

López, S. G., Zurita Ortega, F., Ubago Jiménez, J. L., & González Valero, G. (2021). Impact of physical activity on emotional intelligence and sex differences. Retos, 42, 636–642.



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