Reflections on the teaching and learning process in Physical Education during the COVID-19 pandemic. A real case
Health-educative crisis; Coronavirus; Physical Education; Curriculum adaptations; Challenge based Learning; Rural schoolAbstract
The extraordinary measures taken by Spain to address the COVID-19 health crisis forced schools to move their face-to-face teaching activity to an on-line mode. Physical Education (PE) teachers faced a new challenge: to adapt the contents of the subject, mainly practical and social to a virtual education, based mainly on digital resources. However, this adaptation can be much more complex in the most disadvantaged or rural areas where many students have a significant digital bias: either they do not have access to the Internet, or they do not have acquired adequate competences for its use. Therefore, the purpose of this retrospective case study is to present the teaching-learning processes and pedagogical strategies that the teachers of a rural (grouped) school of La Alcarria Conquense carried out during the lockdown of the 2019-2020 academic course. In this way, first of all, the tools and media used for communication between teachers and families, the special projects and resources mobilized, as well as the evaluation process during the cessation of face-to-face teaching activities are analyzed. Next, the main response observed by the entire school community to this new situation were described. In general terms, a solid commitment of students and families to the activities and challenges proposed in the EF classes has been observed. Finally, possible actions for the next academic year are proposed depending on the social and health situation that may arise.
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