The motor skill of kicking: relations between experience, sex and motor stage
Motor experience, sex, fundamental skills, children; motor stageAbstract
Abstract. The present study aimed to analyze and discuss the relationships between motor experiences, sex and motor stage. The research is a quantitative and qualitative study with a probabilistic sample composed of 140 students aged seven to 10 years. The 72 boys and 68 girls have participated in this research with an average age of 8.57 and whit a standard deviation 1.08. The collection of motor data was based on the qualitative test described by the authors Gallahue and Ozmun (2005). The evaluated movement is the kicking motor skill and its classification was made according to the motor stages (initial, elementary and mature). Data on motor experience were collected through a questionnaire about the participants' daily routine. Both instruments applied in this study were previously validated by the Delphy Method. The chi square test (association of variables p≤ .05) was used for the analysis on the categories: motor experience, sex and motor stages. We found a significant difference between the sex and motor stage categories. The present study revealed a motor lag demonstrated by the low levels of movement proficiency. The data also pointed to a more effective male motor performance. Therefore, it is important to rethink how motor stimulation and orientation (directed or not) is developing between both sexes in spaces where they experience these experiences.
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