Meta-analysis of the impact of physical activity on bone and muscle health in postmenopausal women
physical activity, bone health, muscle mass, postmenopausal womenAbstract
This meta-analysis examines the impact of physical activity on bone and muscle health in postmenopausal women, a population particularly vulnerable to the decrease in bone mineral density (BMD) and muscle mass due to reduced estrogen levels. The comprehensive search included studies up to June 2023 in databases such as PubMed, Scopus, and Cochrane Library, selecting those that evaluated the effects of physical activity on BMD and muscle mass in postmenopausal women. Fourteen studies with a total of 2,120 participants were included. The results showed that physical activity, especially resistance and aerobic exercises, had a significantly positive effect on the BMD of the lumbar spine and femoral neck. Additionally, an increase in muscle mass and strength was observed in women who participated in regular physical activity programs compared to those who did not. These findings underscore the importance of regular physical activity for bone and muscle health in postmenopausal women, highlighting resistance and high-impact exercises as particularly beneficial. The evidence suggests that physical activity should be an integral part of clinical recommendations for this population, as it can play a crucial role in preventing osteoporosis and sarcopenia. In conclusion, regular physical activity is an effective non-pharmacological intervention to improve bone and muscle health in postmenopausal women.
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