ArtEFactum project: student perceptions in the teacher training Master's Program on a transdiscipli-nary project in physical education and technology




university, transdisciplinarity, technology, physical education, projects


Introduction. Within the framework of the European Higher Education Area, the aim is to improve transdisciplinary approaches in study programmes with greater flexibility and orientation towards lifelong learning. This work focuses on analysing the perceptions of ease and difficulty of future physical education and technology secondary school teachers in carrying out a transdisciplinary project developed during two consecutive courses in the Master's Degree in Teaching at Florida Universitaria (University of Valencia). Method. After carrying out the project in the classroom, the study is done using a mixed methodology with the application of a questionnaire composed of 19 items with a Likert-type response from 1 to 5 regarding the level of agreement in the statements shown and a final open question. Results. The results show that future teachers show difficulties for transdisciplinarity that are reduced with participation in the project. In addition, a different predisposition (facility) is observed depending on the discipline. Conclusions. Although more time is suggested to achieve greater effectiveness, the general results indicate a favourable reception towards transdisciplinarity and the integration of knowledge from different disciplines

Keywords: university, transdisciplinarity, technology, physical education, projects.

Author Biographies

Enric Ortega Torres , Universidad de Valencia

Doctor assistant professor at the Faculty of Teaching of the University of Valencia. Knowledge area: Didactics of experimental sciences. Department: Didactics of Experimental and Social Sciences

Irene López Secanell , Florida Universitaria

Hired professor with a doctorate in the Education Unit of Florida Universitària


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How to Cite

Ortega Torres, E., & López Secanell, I. (2024). ArtEFactum project: student perceptions in the teacher training Master’s Program on a transdiscipli-nary project in physical education and technology. Retos, 61, 334–343.



Original Research Article