The relationship between mindfulness and optimism-pessimism levels in athletes




Athletic Performance, Psychological Resilience, Mindfulness, Optimism and Pessimism


This study investigates the interplay between psychological traits—Optimism, Pessimism, and Mindfulness—and their collective impact on athletes' performance and well-being. Employing a correlational survey design, this study engages a carefully selected convenience sample comprising 236 athletes from various sporting disciplines, encompassing various educational backgrounds. The sample included 33.1% women and 66.9% men, with a significant portion holding bachelor's degrees. The Athlete Optimism And Pessimism Scale (AOPS) and the Mindfulness Inventory for Sport (MIS) were administered to assess the psychological constructs. Analytical methods included t-tests, ANOVA, and Pearson's correlations. Results indicate no gender differences in overall Optimism, Pessimism, and Mindfulness. However, males displayed higher Refocusing abilities. No significant impact of sport type or education level was observed on these psychological traits. Age showed no correlation with the variables. A positive association between Optimism and the Mindfulness subcomponents of Awareness and Refocusing emerged, highlighting Optimism's beneficial role.

In contrast, Pessimism showed negative correlations, suggesting its detrimental effect. The findings underscore the need for tailored psychological interventions that enhance Optimism and Mindfulness while reducing Pessimism. This study contributes to sports psychology by suggesting that individualized interventions are crucial for fostering an athlete's psychological resilience and performance, with the potential for growth and adaptation extending across the lifespan.

Keywords: Athletic Performance, Psychological Resilience, Mindfulness, Optimism, Pessimism


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How to Cite

Astuti, Y., Orhan, B. E., Karaçam, A., erianti, erianti, & Govindasamy, K. . (2024). The relationship between mindfulness and optimism-pessimism levels in athletes. Retos, 59, 832–842.



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