Exploring the impact of social identity and team dynamics on mental health help-seeking behavior among collegiate athletes: a qualitative study
Adolescent, Universities, Focus Groups, Students, AthletesAbstract
This study explores the influence of social identity and team dynamics on the mental health help-seeking behaviors of collegiate athletes. The research aims to understand how factors such as gender, ethnicity, and social status shape athletes' attitudes and actions regarding mental health assistance.
Method: Using a mixed-method approach that included focus group discussions (FGDs) and in-depth interviews, data were collected from 30 athletes representing various sports disciplines, ensuring balanced representation in terms of gender, ethnicity, and social status.Result: Thematic analysis revealed significant themes: male athletes faced substantial stigma in seeking mental health assistance, viewing it as a sign of weakness, while female athletes were more open and supported by a culture of emotional expression. Minority athletes encountered additional barriers due to cultural stigma and a lack of culturally competent services, whereas majority athletes had better access to mental health resources. High-status athletes experienced pressure to maintain their image, leading to reluctance in seeking help, while low-status athletes faced challenges in accessing resources despite their willingness to seek help. Positive team dynamics, characterized by support and open communication, facilitated help-seeking behavior, while negative dynamics, such as bullying and lack of trust, created barriers. Conclusion: The study highlights the need for targeted interventions that address specific needs based on gender, ethnicity, and social status, promote mental health literacy, and foster supportive team environments. Future research should focus on the long-term effects of stigma-reduction interventions, culturally tailored mental health services, and the impact of team dynamics over time. These findings provide valuable insights for developing effective mental health support systems for collegiate athletes.
Keywords: Cultural Competency, Ethnicity, Health Literacy, Social Identification, Athletes, Bullying
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