Satisfaction and Frustration with the Novelty of Physical Education Content in Secondary School Students
novedad; educación física; educación secundaria; satisfacción; frustración; género; edad.Abstract
Innovation in the contents of the Physical Education area is a fundamental factor for improving physical activity. However, it should be taken into account that this can lead to satisfaction or frustration in the realization of sports practice. The aim of this study is to know the satisfaction and/or frustration that Secondary Education students have when teachers innovate in the Physical Education curriculum, analyzing the possible differences according to gender and age of the students. 306 students answered three sociodemographic questions, in addition to the Novelty Need Satisfaction and Frustration Scale, which consists of 10 questions grouped into two dimensions. The Mann-Whitney U test was used to examine gender, the Kruskal-Wallis test was used to assess the different ages, in order to analyze any potential significant differences between the questionnaire items and its dimensions, and Spearman's Rho test was used to analyze the association between each of the dimensions and age. The reliability of the dimensions was also assessed with Cronbach's Alpha. Statistical differences were found varying between men and women. In addition, the age to which the student belongs conditions or not his or her satisfaction and/or frustration with the novelty of Physical Education; therefore, more lines of research should be developed.
Keywords: novelty; physical education; secondary education; satisfaction; frustration; gender; age.
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