Challenging paradigms: integrating Critical Feminist Service-Learning into Higher Education Physical Activity and Sport programs




Service-Learning, Critical Feminist, Physical Activity, Sport, Physical Education, Gender Perspective, Feminism


Over the past decades, public policies have aimed to promote gender equality and a gender perspective in educational and research settings. However, Higher Education shows significant deficiencies in gender-related training in its curricula. This article aims to define the pedagogical model called Critical Feminist Service-Learning, presenting a series of keys that allow feminist theories to be applied in real-life contexts within the framework of Physical Activity and Sports. This model facilitates educational advancements through transformative approaches that prioritize gender equity and social justice. Focused on the teaching of Physical Activity and Sports, it explores the confluence of various feminist philosophies and theories in Service-Learning, aligning with the principles of feminist pedagogies. While recognizing the successes of this Service-Learning approach, a call is made for a text that consolidates and synthesizes this perspective, proposing a clear general model as described here. In contrast to the prevailing model, the traditional charity-oriented Service-Learning that predominates in educational institutions, Critical Feminist Service-Learning includes all participants as beneficiaries. It critiques hierarchical society, recognizes underrepresented groups and voices, moving away from structures that reinforce social orders and structural oppression. The advocated pedagogical model here offers a practical solution to promote gender equality and social justice in educational and research environments, specifically in the context of Physical Activity and Sports, promoting the use of transformative pedagogies in Higher Education.

Keywords: Service-Learning, critical feminism, physical activity, sport, physical education, gender perspective, feminism.

Author Biographies

Nuria Cuenca-Soto , Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Nuria Cuenca-Soto

Teaching and Research Fellow (FPU 2020) in the Department of Physical Education, Sports, and Human Movement, Teacher Training and Education School at the Autonomous University of Madrid. Ph.D. student in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences at the Autonomous University of Madrid. She participates in I+D and teaching innovation projects as a training research staff member in the Emerging Research Group on Teaching and Assessment of Physical Activity and Sports, in the Innovation and Development line of the UNESCO Chair of Education for Social Justice, and in the RIADIS Network. Research areas: University Service-Learning, Gender Perspective, Formative Assessment, and Active Methodologies.



María Luisa Santos-Pastor , Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

María Luisa Santos-Pastor

Professor in the Department of Physical Education, Sports, and Human Movement,  Teacher Training and Education School. Autonomous University of Madrid. Coordinator of the Emerging Research Group on Teaching and Assessment of Physical Activity and Sports. Coordinator of the Innovation and Development line of the UNESCO Chair of Education for Social Justice. Coordinator of the RIADIS Network. Principal Investigator of I+D projects. Research areas: University Service-Learning, Formative Assessment, and Active Methodologies in Physical Education Teacher Training. Physical Activities in the Natural Environment in School Physical Education.



Oscar Chiva-Bartoll , Universitat Jaume I

Óscar Chiva-Bartoll

Professor in the Department of Education and Specific Didactics, Humanities and Social Sciences School at Universitat Jaume I. Collaborator with Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Psychology and Education Studies. Coordinator of the Consolidated Research Group ENDAVANT (Approach to Diversity as an ADVANTage). Principal Investigator and researcher of I+D projects. He has research lines focused on Service-Learning and Active Methodologies in Physical Education Teacher Training.


Luis Fernando Martínez-Muñoz , Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Luis Fernando Martínez-Muñoz

Professor in the Department of Physical Education, Sports, and Human Movement, Teacher Training and Education School at the Autonomous University of Madrid. Member of the Emerging Research Group on Teaching and Assessment of Physical Activity and Sports. Member of the Innovation and Development line of the UNESCO Chair of Education for Social Justice. Researcher in the RIADIS Network. Investigator of I+D projects. Research areas: University Service-Learning, Formative Assessment, and Active Methodologies in Physical Education Teacher Training. Physical Activities in the Natural Environment in School Physical Education.




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How to Cite

Cuenca-Soto, N., Santos-Pastor, M. L., Chiva-Bartoll, O., & Martínez-Muñoz, L. F. (2024). Challenging paradigms: integrating Critical Feminist Service-Learning into Higher Education Physical Activity and Sport programs. Retos, 52, 1–12.



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