Neuromotricity in early childhood education. Development tables as an interdisciplinary proposal according to the BAPNE method




Neurodevelopment, Neuromotricity, Bapne, Body percussion, cognitive functions, executive functions.


The aim of this research is to review the basis of neurodevelopment in early childhood education and provide interdisciplinary development tables that encompass cognitive, kinesthetic, and musical aspects. After reviewing numerous authors, and in order to provide early childhood education teachers with a reliable overview of the subject, we present here tables that are always conditioned by genetic and environmental factors. The development tables offer guidance information in areas such as language, motor coordination, gross motor skills, fine motor skills, spatio-temporal relationships, time horizons, logic, numerical relationships, and rhythmic motor, melodic, and socio-musical aspects, among others.

Keywords: Neurodevelopment, Neuromotricity, Bapne, Body percussion, cognitive functions, executive functions.


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How to Cite

Romero Naranjo, F. J., Andreu-Cabrera, E., & Arnau-Mollá, A. F. (2024). Neuromotricity in early childhood education. Development tables as an interdisciplinary proposal according to the BAPNE method. Retos, 53, 162–177.



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