Women's participation in decision-making positions in municipal sports management: A study in the Comunidade Intermunicipal do Tâmega e Sousa


  • Joana Andreia Severino Faculdade de Desporto Universidade do Porto
  • Paula Batista Faculdade de Desporto da Universidade do Porto, Centro de Investigação, Formação, Inovação e Intervenção em Desporto (CIFI2D)
  • Maria José Carvalho Faculdade de Desporto da Universidade do Porto, Centro de Investigação, Formação, Inovação e Intervenção em Desporto (CIFI2D) https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4975-0115




Palavras-chave: igualdade de género; quotas de género; gestão do desporto; liderança; desporto.


The increasing of women's representation in senior sport management positions is visible, yet men are still dominant in these roles, leading to a level of inequality in sport management. To understand how this phenomenon expands to local government sport management, this study aims to understand the participation of women in local government sport management. A survey with women holding relevant positions in the management of local sports in the municipalities belonging to the “Comunidade Intermunicipal do Tâmega e Sousa” (CIM-TS) was carried out. Six women composed the sample and were interviewed using a semi-structured script. Data reveals that women in local sports management are under-represented, in parallel to what happens in national and international sports organizations. Although they do not feel discriminated, they perceive that the stereotypes created persist in society regarding sport being for men and led by men, and family responsibilities being attributed to women, despite the fact that they take on the functions in the public sphere on a full-time basis just like men. Public policies were mentioned, more specifically the parity law as a means of leveraging women in the world of leadership and countering stereotypes and barriers, but they agree that women are capable or more capable than men, and should assume the decision-making positions by meritocracy and not by imposition of laws.

Keywords: gender equality; gender quotas; sport management; leadership; sport.


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How to Cite

Severino, J. A., Batista, P., & Carvalho, M. J. . (2024). Women’s participation in decision-making positions in municipal sports management: A study in the Comunidade Intermunicipal do Tâmega e Sousa. Retos, 54, 424–435. https://doi.org/10.47197/retos.v54.100075



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