Characterization of performance in different motor tasks in people with dementia – executive functioning as a determinant


  • Marlene Rosa School of Health Sciences, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Center for Innovative Care and Health Technology
  • Susana Lopes Universidade de Salamanca
  • Natália Martins Escola Superior de Saúde, Instituto Politécnico de Leiria



dementia, motor performance, executive functions, upper limbs


Introduction: There is a growing interest in the study of executive functioning and its role in motor performance in people with dementia, as well as in the differential assessment of motor tasks, according to their typology. Objective: to characterize the performance of people with dementia during continuous and discrete motor tasks, according to the profile of executive functions. Methodology: Institutionalized elderly diagnosed with dementia (mild/moderate stage), capable of understanding simple commands, were recruited. Sociodemographic data were collected and an executive function assessment (Frontal Assessment Battery) was conducted. Subsequently, performance was measured in a discrete task (Disk Test, EUROFIT) and in a continuous task (TaTi evaluation kit). The executive function of the participants was characterized (med.; IIQ[Q3-Q1]; freq., %), the variability between attempts in the two tasks was analyzed, as well as the difference between the best performance in the two (Wilcoxon Test). The sample was divided into two parts considering the median in each task and the FAB values ​​were compared (Mann-Whitney). Results: Of the 29 participants recruited, only 26 completed at least one attempt for both EUROFIT and TaTi. The most common and severe difficulties (score 0;1) in the FAB were lexical fluency (78%) and conflicting instructions (70%). Intertrial variability (p=0.018) was only significant in EUROFIT. Differences in performance between tasks were significant (p=0.01). The subgroup with the worst performance in the EUROFIT>505.60, presents significantly lower values ​​in FAB (p=0.028). Conclusion: The participants of the present study showed a statistically more positive performance and less variability in the discrete task.

Key-words: dementia; motor performance; executive functions; upper limbs.


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How to Cite

Rosa, M., Lopes, S. ., & Martins, N. (2023). Characterization of performance in different motor tasks in people with dementia – executive functioning as a determinant. Retos, 50, 651–659.



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