Leisure time from the perspective of children. Contributions of an action-research
childhood, leisure, participation, action research, leisure educationAbstract
The management of children daily time is subordinated to a school organisation that prioritises the needs of the adults over their rights. Children’s free time is articulated around excessive school assignments, participation in extracurricular activities and difficulties in reconciling work and family life. Moreover, these issues were exacerbated by the health crisis resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of this study is to identify the needs and attitudes of children with respect to their leisure time, considering the influence of gender and age. The action-research experience was conducted in collaboration with the Forum for Child and Adolescent Participation of the City Council of Teo (A Coruña) –within the framework of the CON_TIEMPOs project–, was based on the application of an ad hoc questionnaire to 573 students from 6th grade of primary school to 4th grade of secondary school. Even though most students reported being satisfied with their leisure practices, the results show difficulties in enjoying free time and reconciling study time and extracurricular activities, a situation experienced to a greater extent by women than men, as well as by students in more advanced grades. Thus, the expressed a lack of knowledge about the leisure offered in their municipality, minimal participation in these types of activities and a lack of interest in engaging more in them. The conclusions point to the importance of recognizing the current dynamics of children in relation to the management of their social and leisure time, considering their assessment in the implementation of socio-educational policies that contribute to their well-being and designed considering a differential approach and gender perspective.
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