Foundations, description and analysis of the situational questionnaire of strategies and goals for school conflicts resolution




evaluation, conflict resolution, strategies, goals, school, pupils, teachers


The objective of this article is to offer an instrument to evaluate the resolution strategies used and the goals set by students and teachers in school conflicts. A situational questionnaire was chosen because it connects with the real experiences of both groups and facilitates the design of programs for the positive resolution of conflicts based on the needs detected. The instrument (in both versions for students and teachers) is made up of six types of school conflicts presented in hypothetical situations, adapted in each version. In each situation the frequency on eight conflict resolution strategies is requested (negotiation, mediation, persuasion, adaptation with understanding, affirmation of power, violence, evasion and acceptance with submission) and the degree of agreement with seven goals (relational, behaviour change, rules fulfilment, academic value, compensation, avoidance and punishment). Regarding the statistical analyses, before carrying out the exploratory factor analysis (EFA), the databases from the responses of 1143 ESO students and 166 from their teachers to their respective versions of the questionnaire, were explored confirming their adequacy. The factor analyses identified in both versions three factors of strategies (integrating, dominating and avoiding discomfort) and two factors of goals (long and short term). In addition, various data validity and reliability analyses were carried out, obtaining adequate values. Therefore, an accurate, realistic and sensitive instrument is provided to assess conflict management, both in students and teachers, supplying guides to design an intervention adjusted to needs of both groups and the school itself.


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Author Biographies

Esperanza María Ceballos-Vacas, Universidad de La Laguna

Profesora Titular del Área de Métodos de Investigación y Diagnóstico en Educación (MIDE) de la Universidad de La Laguna (ULL). Con experiencia laboral en el ámbito socioeducativo y escolar. Sus principales líneas de investigación son: la convivencia en la familia y la escuela, la relación familia-escuela, el riesgo social, la coeducación y la diversidad. Pertenece al grupo de investigación IEFES (Investigación e Intervención Educativa en el Ámbito Familiar, Escolar y Social) de la Universidad de Oviedo, reconocido por la ANECA.

Beatriz Rodríguez-Ruiz, Universidad de Oviedo

Assistant Professor Doctor in the Department of Educational Sciences of the University of Oviedo. She is part of the IEFES group, developing research related to the family environment and the relationship between schools and families, in addition to being involved in training processes for professionals in the field of education, social services, health and justice, as well as in the implementation of programs socio-emotional and educational with families and professionals. He is Convenor of the European Educational Research Association (EERA) in the Network on Communities, Families, and Schooling in Educational Research and of ERNAPE.

Juan Antonio Rodríguez-Hernández, Universidad de La Laguna

Doctor in Pedagogy from the University of La Laguna (2002), he develops his research in the field of Education Theory, in the lines of education and teaching staff; educational coexistence (school and family); and argumentation and education and sustainable development. In the field of training and education, he is Professor of the Area of ​​Theory and History of Education at the University of La Laguna. In the field of research, he is coordinator of the ULL research group Conflict, Coexistence and Mediation (2CyM). His research career has been recognized by the National Commission for the Evaluation of Research Activity (CNEAI) with a positive assessment of 2 research sections.


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