Paulo Freire’s bases Of Social Pedagogy under construction in Brazil
Popular Education, Community Education, Social Education, Social Pedagogy, Paulo FreireAbstract
Indigenous, African and Western cultures, along with Christianity form the cultural background of almost all countries that have gone through the process of European colonization. In all these countries the popular, social and community education has been made since its discovery and there is consensus on the quality, relevance and impact of educational practices in the constitution of the identity of their people. Each country and each people have their own historicity, motivation and strategies but all educational practices that they develop are structured from the same anthropological and cultural matrices that form their social structures, characterizing them as strategies of resistance and cultural survival, alternative to official ideology. These elements common to many peoples and countries allow to conceive to the popular, social and community education, in which a same theoretical framework is developed - the Social Pedagogy - whose most prominent theorist is undoubtedly Paulo Freire, without disregarding the contribution of many others theorists that are important for each context and specific country. Discuss about the possibility of a Social Pedagogy perspective based on Paulo Freire means to redesign the scope of Social Pedagogy itself discuss the role that it can play into the consolidation of the process of liberation of people under slavery, genocide, cultural domination and economic exploitation, as well as carry out the efforts of systematization and theorizing of different educational practices that can benefit from the same theoretical and methodological framework that can offer bases to the research, teaching and work of a large number of educators that today are not recognized as such by national education systems.
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