2023: PUBLIC HEALTH AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION Monograph #8 Analysis of the COVID-19 pandemic in Navarra

Portada de la monografía número 8 sobre el análisis de la pandemia de COVID-19 en Navarra

This monograph dissects what has happened in Navarre and its healthcare system over the past three years, so we are able to arrange the facts, give a meaning, and think about the future. It is not intended to be a compilation or storytelling of the pandemic, although it may well serve for that purpose. Nor is it a formal assessment of the performance of the healthcare system. It is much more. It the use of the available scientific tools to assess and provide lessons on an phenomenon we are only now overcoming.

Published: 2023-06-23

El papel de la Salud Pública durante la pandemia

Sistemas de información e inteligencia, cuadros de mando, adaptación a la pandem

La crisis sanitaria, una oportunidad comunicativa

Adaptación del sistema sanitario

La dimensión social de la pandemia

Evaluación del impacto en la salud

COVID-19, ¿Una nueva enfermedad inesperada?

Lecciones que debemos aprender
