Permadi, Asep Angga, Universitas Garut, Indonesia

  • Retos Vol. 49 (2023) - Original Research Article
    Correlational study: Sports Students' special test results and basic athletic training learning outcomes
    Abstract  PDF
  • Retos Vol. 56 (2024) - Original Research Article
    The Hybrid Learning System With Project Based Learning: Can It Increase Creative Thinking Skill and Learning Motivation in Physical Education Learning?
    Abstract  PDF
  • Retos Vol. 50 (2023) - Original Research Article
    Developing Learning Media for an Online Learning-Based Big Ball Game at Class XI Vocational High School Students: Feasibility and Efficacy
    Abstract  PDF
  • Retos Vol. 51 (2024) - Original Research Article
    The Effect Salvia Hispanica L Seed Extract on Blood Sugar Levels in Rats with Moderate Physical Activity
    Abstract  PDF
  • Retos Vol. 51 (2024) - Original Research Article
    RED-S Identification on Female Athlete
    Abstract  PDF