Genderism and transphobia in physical education students of Chile


  • Fernando Maureira Cid Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación
  • Elizabeth Flores Ferro Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez



Transphobia, Gender, Genderism, Physical Education


Genderism corresponds to the belief that there are only two genders at birth and transphobia is the discrimination and rejection of people whose birth sex does not coincide with how to identify and feel their gender expression. The objectives of the present study were to know the psychometric properties of the Genderism and Transphobia Scale in a sample of physical education students from Chile, and to study the genderism/transphobia differences according to sex and year of study. For this purpose, 277 students of the Pedagogy in Physical Education degree from two universities in the city of Santiago de Chile were evaluated. The Genderism Scale and Transphobia short version were used. The results show that the instrument is valid and reliable for this population, that men have higher levels of genderism and transphobia, and that students/students of first year achieve higher scores than students of higher years. It is recommended to replicate this research in larger samples and other PE teacher/teacher training schools.

Keywords: transphobia, gender, genderism, physical education.


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How to Cite

Maureira Cid, F., & Flores Ferro, E. (2023). Genderism and transphobia in physical education students of Chile. Retos, 50, 1029–1034.



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