Teaching models of sport: A bibliometric study
bibliometrics, teaching models, teaching, sports, physical educationAbstract
Sport promotes an ideal environment to enhance the integral development of people through different teaching models, which could not be carried out without an adequate methodology and application in children, adolescents, or adults. The main objective was to carry out a bibliometric analysis of the important aspects of the scientific literature on sports seen in terms of “teaching models, instructional models”, for which 300 articles were selected from the Scopus and Web of Science databases. This research used the R software, the bibliometrix data package, to perform the descriptive analysis of the authors and collaborative analysis. The analysis period was 2002:2021. In addition, a content analysis of the most relevant articles was performed based on the impact according to the bibliometric search. The results indicate that scientific production has a great ancestry of studies in the last period (2012 - 2021). Gil Arias, Kirk, and Davis are the most productive authors, China has the highest number of corresponding authors; The University of Granada is the one that researches the most. The keywords according to binding strength and frequency were: teaching, sports, physical education, humans, physical education, and training. From the content analysis, it is deduced from the authors that a more formative approach is needed regarding the nature of sports as a fundamental part of the assimilation process. It is concluded that more information is needed on the topic of study and cooperation at an international level.
Keywords: bibliometrics, teaching models, teaching, sports, physical education.
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