Effects of yoga intervention programs in students with autism spectrum disorder: a systematic review


  • Cristián Luarte-Rocha
  • Ruth Candia
  • Angelie Machado-Arena
  • Yazmina Pleticosic
  • Kevin Campos-Campos
  • Luiz Gustavo Teixeira Fabricio dos Santos
  • Luis Felipe Castelli Correia de Campos




Yoga, Mind-body therapies, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Intervention, Students


The objective of this research is to perform a systematic review about the effects due to the practice of Yoga in children with ASD (Autism spectrum disorder) and consider if this practice applies or not, as a complementary treatment in other interventions of the same characteristics. For the study, a systematic review of the literature was carried out using the PRISMA model, about the effects of yoga interventions in ASD. The search was carried out in the argument engines: World Wide Science, Google Scholar, Pubmed, inclusion criteria was; publications from the last 10 years, in Spanish and English, students within 16 years of age of both genders and as an exclusion criterion; articles from other systematic reviews, theses and books. The results yielded 677 publications that after following the selection protocol, elimination of duplicates and selection by title, nine articles were selected that fulfill the established criteria for an accurate review of their content. Yoga interventions presented positive effects in behavioral, social, emotional and physical aspects. Due to this, it is suggested to implement yoga method as a model of intervention as a complementary practice to ASD.


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How to Cite

Luarte-Rocha, C., Candia , R. ., Machado-Arena, A. ., Pleticosic , Y., Campos-Campos, K. ., Teixeira Fabricio dos Santos , L. G., & Castelli Correia de Campos , L. F. . (2022). Effects of yoga intervention programs in students with autism spectrum disorder: a systematic review. Retos, 46, 386–394. https://doi.org/10.47197/retos.v46.93920



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