The media related to the Paralympic Games and its contributions in changing the perception of university students about people with disabilities
Pessoa com deficiência; Estigma; Teoria do contato; Mídia; Mudança de percepção (People with disability; Stigma; Contact theory; Media; Perception change (Personas con discapacidad; Estigma; Teoría del contacto; Medios de comunicación; Cambio de percepción)Abstract
People perceived as “different” from the standard established as “normal” tend to suffer prejudice and stigma. According to some authors, direct (face-to-face) or indirect (books, media materials, etc.) contact with one or more members of a “different” group, provided that certain conditions are met, can alleviate these problems. The objective of this study was to verify if the indirect contact with people with disabilities (PWD) through media materials related to the Paralympic Games can interfere in the perception of university students about PWD. The study was qualitative and exploratory and had fourteen participants. We performed a dynamic where we asked them to say words/expressions they thought when they heard the expression “person with a disability”. Next, we interviewed them to better understand the choices of words/expressions used. We then showed two videos that involved Paralympic athletes playing sports and repeated the word dynamics and the interview to see if the videos had changed their perceptions of PWDs. We found that eight participants changed their perception. Six did not change, as they already perceived PWDs as capable, due to previous direct or indirect experiences with them. The study revealed that indirect contact can be an effective tool for developing a more positive perception of PWD, especially for those who have not had contact with this public and/or a basic education in relation to it
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