Research-Based Learning to strengthen initial teacher training in Pedagogy in Physical Education




Aprendizaje Basado en Investigación, Educación Superior, Metodología de enseñanza, Formación Inicial Docente, Pedagogía en Educaci´on Física


The systematization of this pedagogical experience explains the implementation of a pilot Research-Based Learning (ABI) program in the process of Initial Teacher Training (FID) of Physical Education Teachers (PEF) belonging to a Chilean university. The experience was developed with classes in virtual mode during the second semester of 2021. The program addressed seven topics in eight class sessions. The objective of the pilot program was to develop research skills in teachers in the process of FID in PEF oriented to their training area remotely. The results showed that 100% of the attendees to the pilot program improved the level of knowledge regarding the ABI topics, on the other hand, 100% of the attendees declared to be satisfied with this type of experience. It can be concluded that the implementation of the ABI in the FID in PEF is based on the need to promote the research field from its bases (students), being a teaching-learning tool that will facilitate the search for solutions to problems using an innovative methodology. that allows to build new knowledge from their own realities.

Keywords: Research Based Learning - Higher Education - Teaching Methodology - Initial Teacher Training - Pedagogy in Physical Education.


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How to Cite

Poblete-Valderrama, F., Garrido-Méndez, A., Matus Castillo, C., Castro Cáceres, R., Toro-Salinas, A., Cuevas Aburto, J., Illanes Aguilar, L., Cenzano Castillo, L., Quintana Figueroa, C., & Hetz Rodríguez, K. (2023). Research-Based Learning to strengthen initial teacher training in Pedagogy in Physical Education. Retos, 47, 589–592.



Didactic experiences developed and investigated with empirical work

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