Gender differences in the approach to change of direction in professional tennis players


  • Álvaro Durán
  • Rafael Martínez-Gallego Universidad de Valencia
  • Marc Gimeno



Tennis, Change of direction, Tracking, Speed


The objective of this study was to measure and compare between genders, speeds of approach to the changes of direction (CDD), after displacements of more than 4 meters in the bottom of the court present in elite tennis. 15 CDDs were selected during a match, from each of the top 5 male and female tennis players in the ATP and WTA rankings. On them, an automatic monitoring system was applied by video analysis based on three body points (head, trunk and hip). Higher velocity values were found for men at all moments analyzed from the penultimate step (PEN) before CDD, as well as substantial differences between both genders in partial velocities during steps prior to CDD. During approach to the CDD, the speed of men from the third to last step before the CDD (ANT) was increased in the PEN and decreased in the last step before the CDD (ULT), while the women progressively decreased their speed from of the ANT. In conclusion, there are many differences between men and women when approaching a change of direction, and therefore in the preparation of blows. Therefore, the information provided in this study is of vital importance for the training approach by coaches and physical trainers.


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How to Cite

Durán, Álvaro, Martínez-Gallego, R., & Gimeno, M. (2022). Gender differences in the approach to change of direction in professional tennis players. Retos, 43, 938–943.



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