Gender comparative study on bullying: strategies and actions


  • Alba Bonet Morro
  • Mario Alguacil Jiménez Universidad de Valencia
  • Paloma Escamilla-Fajardo
  • Carlos Pérez-Campos
  • Sergio Aguado



Bullying, Secondary education, School bullying, Strategies, Gender


Bullying continues to be one of the most important problems occurring in the educational environment of developed countries. It is still a challenge to know in detail the most important aspects for its prevention and treatment. To contribute to this objective, the present study aims to provide information on bullying and its action in these situations among students, both on their own perception of bullying situations, as well as their attitude towards such actions on other classmates. In this sense, a comparative study was carried out to find out if there are differences in these actions according to gender. For this purpose, 592 Spanish male and female students were analysed using an instrument previously validated by the literature. According to the results obtained, there are significant differences between boys and girls in some of the questions analysed on bullying in class, which allows us to know more about the phenomenon of bullying. Finally, practical implications and strategies for possible intervention and treatment in the school environment have been presented.


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How to Cite

Bonet Morro, A., Alguacil Jiménez, M., Escamilla-Fajardo, P., Pérez-Campos, C., & Aguado, S. (2022). Gender comparative study on bullying: strategies and actions. Retos, 44, 45–52.



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