Quality Physical Education from the perspective of teaching practice: psychometric properties of an instrument for its evaluation





Educational policies, Physical Education, Quality in Education, Teaching practice, Validation of scale


The purpose of the study was to examine the psychometric properties and factor structure of the quality Physical Education scale from the perspective of teaching practice, translated and adapted to the Spanish and Mexican context. A quantitative study with an instrumental design is presented. The participants were 763 Physical Education teachers from Mexico with an age range of 19 to 71 years old (M = 37.89 ± 11.18); where 31.7% were women and 68.3% men. 59.4% work in schools that belong to the federal system, 33.9% to the state system and 6.7% work in private schools. The translation and adaptation to Spanish and the Mexican context of the Quality Physical Education survey was carried out. It is composed of 50 items that are answered on a scale that goes from 0 "not totally achieved" to 10 "completely achieved". It was carried out the exploratory factorial analysis (EFA) using the Kaiser-Meyer Olkin KMO correlation matrix (.97) and Bartlett's sphericity test (χ² x2= 30645.936 y gl = 990) obtaining six factors and the reduction to 46 items. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) showed good internal consistency and inter-factor correlations (χ2/gl = 2.98, NNFI = .98, CFI = .98 and RMSEA = .07), as well as when divided by gender, level and educational system. The instrument shows good psychometric properties to evaluate Quality Physical Education from the perspective of teaching practice in the Mexican context. Due to its characteristics, it could be used in other Spanish-speaking countries since its writing, terminology and contents are adapted to the context.

Author Biography

Oswaldo Ceballos Gurrola, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo LeónFacultad de Organización Deportiva

Coordinación de Investigación

Facultad de Organización Deportiva

Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León



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How to Cite

Rodríguez Rodríguez, J., Ceballos Gurrola, O., Zamarripa Rivera, J. I., Medina Rodríguez, R. E., Ho, W., & López D´ Amico, R. (2021). Quality Physical Education from the perspective of teaching practice: psychometric properties of an instrument for its evaluation. Retos, 41, 373–379. https://doi.org/10.47197/retos.v0i41.86253



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