The reasons for changing jobs among Physical Education teachers in the Galician context
job performance, teaching specialty, physical educationAbstract
In this study we analyze the reasons that justify changes in job performance in Physical Education (PE) teachers. In a concrete way, we ask ourselves about the reasons for the professional burnout suffered by teachers and that justify the changes and abandonment of teachers. For this, we developed a descriptive study in which a total of 120 PE teachers participated, who perform their function in the stages of Primary and Secondary Education in the Autonomous Community of Galicia. To obtain information, they completed a questionnaire, prepared from the Teacher Follow-up Survey. We highlight that, in general, the teaching staff indicates that the low assessment of PE by the administration greatly influences this job change. Likewise, another of the determining factors of the change in job performance is the scant consideration for PE by families. When teachers decide to seek a new professional horizon, they usually opt for a change of specialty and dedication to teaching management tasks.
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