Effects of an aerobic exercise session on non-linear correlations of resting brain


  • Fernando Maureira Cid Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación




Physical exercise, electroencephalography, Hurst exponent, resting state, closed eyes


Abstract. In recent decades, the electroencephalogram signal has been studied as a time series with non-linear dynamics. The aim of this research was to determine the effects of physical exercise on the number of correlations of non-linear activity of the various brain waves at baseline. The sample consisted of 12 male volunteers (six experimental and six controls). The recording of brain activity was performed through a brain-interface device Emotiv Epoc® while the students remain seated, relaxed and with their eyes closed for two minutes. The logs were performed before and after 30-minutes of aerobic exercise. The results show that the number of correlations between the Hurst exponents show similar modifications between the experimental group and control group in the delta, beta and gamma waves. In theta waves there are a greater number of modifications in the experimental group (100% v/s 83.3%), a more pronounced situation in alpha (83.3% v/s 16.7%). In conclusion, the intervention with 30-minutes of aerobic physical exercise shows effects on the number of correlations for theta and alpha waves between the Hurst exponents at rest. The effects are less noticeable or do not show a discriminatory pattern in delta, beta and gamma waves.

Author Biography

Fernando Maureira Cid , Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación

Departamento de Educación Física, Deportes y Recreación


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How to Cite

Maureira Cid, F. (2021). Effects of an aerobic exercise session on non-linear correlations of resting brain. Retos, 39, 585–591. https://doi.org/10.47197/retos.v0i39.81363



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