Attitudes towards corporal expression among students of the Primary Education Degree in spain
Corporal Expression, Physical Education, Student's attitude, Education, Higher EducationAbstract
Introduction: Corporal expression is one of the most debated topic within the subject of Physical Education at different educational stages. This controversy leads to a reduction in its teaching or even to it being ignored. On the other hand, scientific evidence identifies it as relevant content for working on socio-affective skills, inclusion and cooperative work. Knowing the perspective of future Physical Education teachers on this matter could provide valuable information to understand the origin of this controversy and collaborate in its improvement.
Objective: The aim of this study was to analyse the attitudes of Primary Education degree students toward Corporal Expression , considering variables such as gender and prior academic training.
Methodology: A questionnaire was administered to find out student’s attitudes - specifically in terms of preference, importance and enjoyment - toward these contents. The survey was conducted in various Spanish universities where the Degree in Primary Education is taught, before and after having received specific training.
Results: The results reveal a highly positive attitude toward Corporal Expression, particularly in terms of enjoyment and preference. Women and individuals without a prior exposure to this content in formal education settings exhibited more favourable attitudes.
Discussion: These results align with previous studies on aspects such as the possibilities for emotional expression, the cooperative and inclusive nature of the content.
Conclusions: It can be concluded that the approach to Corporal Expression in Physical Education is highly significant, as it is the training of future teachers, always guaranteeing meaningful and positive experiences that generate adherence to the content.
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