Assessing the development of the attitudinal style as Pedagogical Model in Physical Education: a scoping review




Revisión de alcance, Estilo Actitudinal, Modelos Pedagógicos, Educación Física, scoping review, Attitudinal Style, Pedagogical Models, Physical Education


The scoping review evaluates whether there is sufficient evidence to consider the Attitudinal Style as a pedagogical model in Physical Education. To this end, the review process assessed its strengths and weaknesses, and specific bibliography focused on the main divulgative, and research publications was selected. The study was conducted using the PRISMA-ScR extension (Tricco et al., 2018) by searching 10 bibliographic databases and grey literature to identify other studies on Attitudinal Style. Thus, a total of 102 publications were classified into three main categories: theoretical development (19.60%), practical development (73.58%), and research (6.82%). After a thorough analysis, the scoping study included the 26 most relevant articles, conducted between 2005 and 2023. Of these, eight articles presented evidence of the practical development of the model, 11 constituted the theoretical foundations, and seven focused on investigating its benefits. The selected bibliography confirms that the model meets almost all the criteria established by Chiva and Fernández-Río (2021) to be considered as a pedagogical model. Despite finding certain limitations, its strengths position it as a valuable methodological approach for future research, as well as for its implementation in various national and international educational contexts.


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How to Cite

Álvarez-Sánchez, J. L., Gutiérrez-García, C., & Hortigüela-Alcalá, D. (2025). Assessing the development of the attitudinal style as Pedagogical Model in Physical Education: a scoping review. Retos, 62, 765–776.



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