Academic stressors and the lifestyles of university students: A predictive study at a public university




academic stress, lifestyles, quality of life, mental health, university students


Academic stressors are factors related to the educational environment that induce stress in students. Currently, they are considered a common issue among university students and can have multiple negative effects on their physical and mental health, as well as their academic performance. In this regard, the aim of this study was to determine which academic stressors predict the lifestyle of students at a public university. This research adopted a quantitative approach with a non-experimental predictive design. The sample comprised 215 university students who responded to the Academic Stressors Questionnaire and the Lifestyle Profile, instruments with adequate levels of validity and reliability. Preliminary results indicate that academic stressors were experienced with moderate intensity, while lifestyles were assessed as unhealthy. Additionally, it was found that the multiple linear regression analysis showed an adequate model fit (F= 10.561; p<0.05), and it was determined that taking many courses (β= 0.447), balancing study and family (β= 0.404), and balancing work and study (β= 0.402) were the stressors that predicted lifestyles. It was concluded that taking many courses, balancing study and family, and balancing work and study predict the lifestyle of students at a public university.

Keywords: academic stress, lifestyles, quality of life, mental health, university students.


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How to Cite

Estrada-Araoz, E. G., Ayay-Arista, G. ., Cruz-Laricano, E. O. ., & Paricahua-Peralta, J. N. . (2024). Academic stressors and the lifestyles of university students: A predictive study at a public university. Retos, 59, 1132–1139.



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