School-based interventions to promote physical activity from preschool through high school: A systematic review




Active schools, Active lifestyle, healthy habits, youth, PRISMA


Introduction: Currently, the majority of young people and children do not engage in sufficient physical activity (PA). Although the school context is one of the institutions that should lead the promotion of physical activity and health among schoolchildren, the evidence indicates that the interventions that are carried out are not sufficiently effective and sustainable.

Objective: The aim of the present study was to systematically analyse the interventions and programmes developed in Spanish schools to increase students' levels of PA and their life-long active engagement.

Methodology: The present study followed the PRISMA method and 22 articles were included in the analysis.

Results and Discussion: The main results reveal that most of the interventions for the promotion of PA in the school context analysed have been developed in the primary and secondary education stages. There are different intervention models that can be effective, although institutional involvement is often scarce. In terms of specific interventions, the most common proposals were active transport and active playgrounds, and the least popular were active breaks or after-school activities.

Conclusions: Most of the interventions reviewed do not adopt a holistic multi-component, multi-level or multi-behavioural approach. It is therefore necessary that the design and implementation of these programmes be evidence-based and adapted to the needs required by different contexts to ensure effective and sustainable health promotion schemes over time.

Author Biographies

Isabel Pérez-Herráez , Universitat de València

Dept. de Didáctica de la Educación Física, Artística y Música.

Alexandra Valencia-Peris , Universitat de València

Dept. de Didáctica de la Educación Física, Artística y Música.

Carmen Peiró Velert , Universitat de València

Catedrática de Universidad

Dept. de Didáctica de la Educación Física, Artística y Música.


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How to Cite

Pérez-Herráez, I., Valencia-Peris, A., & Peiró Velert, C. (2025). School-based interventions to promote physical activity from preschool through high school: A systematic review. Retos, 63, 128–143.



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