Physical activity in a recess intervention with self-made material: analysis based on grade and gender




playground play, health, self-made material, acelerometry, recycling


The school recess environment is recognized as an ideal context for promoting physical activity (PA) in the entire school population. Various strategies have been designed to maximize PA among students, such as providing physical structures in playgrounds, training staff, painting play areas, or providing movable/recycled equipment and materials. Research results on these interventions are promising for increasing moderate- to vigorous- physical activity (MVPA) during recess but are inconclusive. This study aimed to (a) examine the students’ PA levels during a recess intervention with self-made materials, and (b) analyze differences in relation to grade and gender. A total of 148 students (M = 10.98; SD = .79) from 4th to 6th grade participated. A quasi-experimental design was conducted with two weekly records (five school days) for each participant using accelerometry over a cuatrimester. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was performed with different levels of PA as dependent variables, and grade and gender as fixed factors. Average levels of 10’46” and 24’52” MVPA/day were found during morning and lunchtime recesses, respectively, representing 59.4% of the recommended time. The MVPA levels decreased with year level. Boys engaged in more MVPA and fewer sedentary behaviors than girls. These results support the effectiveness of the intervention and suggest important implications for health promoting schools.

Keywords: playground play, health, self-made material, acelerometry, recycling.


Author Biography

Antonio Méndez-Giménez , Universidad de Oviedo

Departamento Ciencias de la Educación


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How to Cite

Méndez-Giménez, A., & García-Rodríguez, I. . (2024). Physical activity in a recess intervention with self-made material: analysis based on grade and gender. Retos, 59, 509–517.



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