Assessment of internal training load using heart rate variability recovery in trained triathletes




Heart Rate Variability, Training load, RMSSD


The aim of this study was to determine maximal and sub-maximal internal load (ventilatory thresholds), through parasympathetic recovery after physical exercise, in three sports modalities (swimming, cycling and running) in a group of triathletes. Heart rate variability was measured before and after exercise at different intensities. The slope of the root means square root of the sum of the standard deviations of the squared RR intervals at the end of the first 10 minutes of recovery (RMSSDslope=RMSSDrecovery- RMSSExercise/time) was used to observe parasympathetic recovery. In the first session, a maximal oxygen uptake test (VO2peak) was performed for each mode and the position of the ventilatory thresholds (VT1 and VT2) was determined. In the second session, each subject performed a test for 16 minutes at VT1 speed. In the third session, each subject performed the test at VT2 speed for a time that was set so that the product of intensity and duration was the same as in VT1. Running had the highest VO2peak (62.0 ± 5.8 mL/min/kg), followed by cycling (58.8 ± 7.9 mL/min/kg) and swimming (48.3 ± 6.2 mL/min/kg), with significant differences between running and swimming (p<0.0001) and between cycling and swimming (p=0.0002). Maximal heart rate mean was higher in running (191.3 ± 7.4 bpm) and exceeded swimming at VT1 and VT2 thresholds (p<0.0001). The slope of RMSSD recovery was greater in VT1 and VT2 for swimming in relation to cycling (VT1 and VT2: p<0.0001) and running (VT1: p<0.0001; VT2: p<0.0107). A moderate negative correlation between RMSSD and the oxygen uptake during submaximal intensities for swimming (r=-0.41, p= 0.02), cycling (r=-0.37, p= 0.039) and running (r=-0.38, p= 0.032). The recovery RMSSDslope can detect the intensity-dependent internal load in maximal and sub-maximal swimming, cycling and running tests in triathletes.


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How to Cite

Nieto-Jimenez, C. ., Van Duijn, . T., Gawn, J., D. Cotter , J. ., Araneda, . O. F., & Tuesta , M. (2024). Assessment of internal training load using heart rate variability recovery in trained triathletes. Retos, 61, 1555–1562.



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