Inspiratory muscle training for 3 weeks increases maximal inspiratory pressure but not the performance in young Chilean elite swimmers


  • Pablo Gonzalo Troncoso Galleguillos Human Movement Research Group (GIMH). Kinesiology Career, Universidad Autónoma de Chile, Chile.
  • Oscar Florencio Araneda Integrative Laboratory of Biomechanics and Physiology of Effort (LIBFE), Kinesiology School, Faculty of Medicine, Universidad de los Andes, Santiago, Chile
  • Jose Naranjo-Orellana Department of Sports and Computing, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Seville, Spain



inspiratory muscle training, young swimmers, physical performance, metabolism, oxygen consumption


Inspiratory muscle training (IMT) has shown some benefits on performance in athletes depending on intensity, duration and adherence to training. We investigated the effect of a reduced extension and high intensity protocol. 14 young Chilean regional level swimmers of both sexes were randomly distributed in a control group (G-CON) (2F/5M) and one group that performed inspiratory muscle training (G-IMT) (2F/5M). Both groups continued with their swimming training as usual, the G-IMT group added a treatment of 36 sessions, distributed in 2 sessions per day of 30 breaths at 70% of the maximum inspiratory pressure (MIP) using the Powerbreathe® valve for three weeks. At the end of the intervention, MIP showed increases in G-IMT (p=0.0115, η2=0.4254; large effect size), without diaphragmatic morphological changes, nor improvements in spirometry, nor in the cardiopulmonary test in the laboratory, nor in the physical performance variables after the 200-meter crawl test. Conclusion, IMT in young athletes for three weeks improved inspiratory muscle strength, but did not modify diaphragm morphology or physical performance, measured both in the laboratory and in a field test.

Keywords: inspiratory muscle training, young swimmers, physical performance, metabolism, oxygen consumption.


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How to Cite

Troncoso Galleguillos, P. G., Araneda, O. F., & Naranjo-Orellana, J. . (2024). Inspiratory muscle training for 3 weeks increases maximal inspiratory pressure but not the performance in young Chilean elite swimmers. Retos, 60, 1110–1121.



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