Assessment of body composition, lower limbs power and anaerobic power of senior soccer players: differences according to the positions on the field




Body Evaluation, Vertical Jump, RAST, Soccer, Field Positions


The aim of the study was to evaluate body composition, lower limb power and anaerobic power, comparing the positions of soccer players on the field. 81 soccer players participated and bioimpedance, Countermovement Jump and Running Anaerobic Sprint Test evaluations were performed. It was verified that there are differences in body composition, with goalkeepers and central defenders presenting the highest values. Regarding the height variable, the main differences occur when we compare the full-back (p< 0.001) with the remaining positions and the central defenders in comparison with the midfielders (p= 0.002) and forwards (p= 0.010). Also, full-back compared to most other positions in the variable body mass (p≤ 0.010), muscle mass (p≤ 0.033), fat free mass (p≤ 0.024) and fat mass (p≤ 0.045). In the evaluation of lower limb power, differences were found between goalkeepers and forwards, in the highest jump variable (p= 0.021), in turn, differences were found when comparing goalkeepers with full-back, midfielders and forwards (p≤ 0.028) and between central defenders with full-back, in the maximum force produced (p= 0.002). In the evaluations of anaerobic power, no differences were found. It can be concluded that there are specific characteristics of body composition between the positions of soccer players. The positions that involve explosive movements and a larger number of aerial actions, present better performances in these evaluations as it was verified. Finally, in the anaerobic power evaluations, this homogeneity can be explained by the common demands that modern soccer presents.

Keywords: Body Evaluation; Vertical Jump; RAST; Soccer; Field Positions.


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How to Cite

Tereso, D., Gamonales, J. M., Petrica, J. ., Ibañéz, S., & Paulo, R. . (2024). Assessment of body composition, lower limbs power and anaerobic power of senior soccer players: differences according to the positions on the field. Retos, 59, 1034–1045.



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